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Category The book Hurt

Hiding in the open

When I was researching Hurt, I read a lot, spoke a lot, and thought a lot about paedophiles.  I felt I needed to in order to write with any authority about the sexual abuse of children.  In the opening chapter… Continue Reading →

Review of Cassie Moore’s “Did you hear me crying?”

I was felt very privileged to receive a review copy of Cassie Moore’s new book.  It’s an incredible story, an important story, and I would encourage anyone to read it.  It adds weight to the fact that we just can’t… Continue Reading →

Really? “Savile coverage: Help or hinderance”

This was the subject of the phone in, Your Call, on Radio 5Live aired this morning.  Earlier, I had heard Brendan O’Neill, editor of on-line magazine Spiked, interviewed, and was astonished at what he said.  Actually, I have been deeply… Continue Reading →

Hot news! Kindle contract signed!

Yesterday I signed a contract with Live It Publishing and publishmybookonkindle.com for the move of Hurt to the Kindle platform. I am so excited about this.  I wrote Hurt so that the stories of the families of children who were sexually… Continue Reading →

Deception: Truth will out

Is it just me, or does anyone else have the feeling that veils of deception are being shaken and slowly lifted?  There seems to have been a stream of truths emerging over the last few months, perhaps even longer than… Continue Reading →

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