The Book Thief is set in war torn Nazi Germany, in the impoverished Himmel Strasse of Molching. A ten year-old girl, the protagonist, and her brother are sent to new foster parents, but the boy dies en route. Her… Continue Reading →
A baby is born in 1910, and dies before taking a breath. The same baby is born and lives, and dies again and again. Atkinson takes this central premise, and asks what if there are second chances, third, or… Continue Reading →
A search for a book of prophecies takes Gower, commissioned by Chaucer, his friend, across London, getting caught up in murders, prostitutes and plots to kill the King. I enjoyed this book, although not entirely. Its brilliance is in the… Continue Reading →
I’ve had the privilege of reviewing two works this week, one a manuscript and the other an academic assignment. Both very different, but both very important to the individuals. I enjoyed reading both, but felt a bit out of practice… Continue Reading →
It’s a closed question, so it’s got to be either a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, but can is there a ‘maybe’? In the last couple of weeks I’ve been struggling with this dilemma. Following the successful MOOC. Plagues, Witches and… Continue Reading →
The Levelling Sea tells the history of Falmouth, through its rise in importance as a haven for ships in the Great Age of Sail, fading from glory as steam took its place in the evolution of international travel. The… Continue Reading →
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