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Category At my desk

Citizen Curators and the Cornish National Collection

In addition to the support for our own museums, we (the Citizen Curators) have a mission, “to collaboratively curate a collection distributed among the museums that reflects the diversity of Cornish society past and present.”   It goes even further,… Continue Reading →

26 Trees: how the hawthorn chose me

In the last year of my geography degree, I took a module on palynology (the study of pollen grains in geological deposits). During a field trip to Aran, after standing huddled around our tutor while he drilled out a bore… Continue Reading →

What gives life meaning?

The news this morning of Tessa Jowell’s death deeply moved me. Among the many tributes to her, I heard, again, the speech she made to The House of Lords regarding NHS cancer treatment. If you haven’t heard it, or read… Continue Reading →

My London Book Fair – a Newbie’s tale

London Book Fair is insane. It is immense. It is hectic. It is overwhelming. It is for the industry, and in many ways, not for an outsider, like me. Why go? It was a school trip, an invitation to attend… Continue Reading →

Book Review (with a difference): Manhattan Transfer, by John Dos Passos

This is a departure from the way I usually like to review books. It isn’t a review about the story (I’m not even sure how to begin on that one), nor the structure. Rather, it’s what studying Manhattan Transfer has… Continue Reading →

My #2017bestnine

The Instagram trend, #2017bestnine, surprised me. The image captures most of the ingredients of what life is all about. The images made me smile. My husband, my dog, gig rowing, wine… ❤️ Like any trend on a popularity vote, it… Continue Reading →

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