I was felt very privileged to receive a review copy of Cassie Moore’s new book. It’s an incredible story, an important story, and I would encourage anyone to read it. It adds weight to the fact that we just can’t stop ignoring the abuse that goes on. We must try and end the tears.
Did you hear me crying?
The moving story of survival through 45 years of sexual, physical and emotional abuse
Cassie Moore
Liveit Publishing
ISBN 978-1-906954-59-8
Did you hear me crying is the account of Moore’s life, from early childhood memories up to the present day. Hers is a relentless story of neglect, abuse, manipulation and survival. The narrative is chaotic, as the reader is tossed through extremes of emotion with Moore. With every turn of the page, the reader tumbles through horrific abuse, the withdrawal of Moore in to herself, only to be catapulted out with some new optimism, or promise by her abuser.
The account is raw, emotive, and therefore unpolished. There are many contradictions in her story, which are recognisable traits of anyone who has undergone sexual, physical or emotional abuse. This makes for confusing reading at times, but it is truly representative of a survivor’s journey towards recovery.
Moore tells us that writing was her salvation, and her book is peppered with moving songs penned during the years of her abuse. It is only a shame that the printed page cannot provide the melodies that she will have chosen to enhance her lyrics.
Moore’s story ends in a good place, and the reader may be left surprised at the sense of peace that is revealed in the last pages of her book. Moore has clearly reached acceptance of her past, and it is from a place of acceptance that healing begins.
Did you hear me crying is an important story, and Moore is to be heralded for lifting the shrouds of self-doubt, self-loathing, shame and hurt for the truth of her life story to be shared. Moore’s story will hopefully provide a blueprint for other survivors of abuse to end their tears.
Julia Webb-Harvey
Psychotherapist and author of Hurt: The harrowing stories of parents whose children were sexually abused.
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